Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Millionaire Mind

Now is a good time to develop a Millionaire Mind.

In today's economy we rarely get good news and for the most part money is no fun. We don't have enough fun. We hear how much money money managers on Wall Street embezzle, how many $ trillion dollars the S&P 500 dropped in the last month, that the nation is bankrupt, etc...

How often do we hear about how many people had fun making money? About how good and healthy it is to be wealthy?

Money and abundance are portrayed as evil. Fact is nobody broke ever gave me a job or helped me financially? The only people who ever helped me financially were people with money.

We have this whole money thing backwards socially and spiritually.

Being rich is awesome. We can help more people and we can live a better life. Poverty sucks.

If you want to have a good time you should attend Harve Eker's Millionaire Mind 3 day intensive seminar. There are a number of them sceduled throughout the Us befire the end of 2011, and they won't cost you anything.

I have 11 eleven times.

Here's a new post on the Millionaire Mind Intensive.

I AM Michael Barrett, Healthy Boomer and Creator of Healthy Wealthy Boomer and I Love the MMI.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

To Be Healthy Are Eggs a Healthy Breakfast Choice?

Dr. Niva Shapira of Tel Aviv University's School of Health Professions says that all eggs are not created equal. Her research indicates that when hens are fed with a diet low in omega-6 fatty acids from a young age -- feed high in wheat, barley, and milo and lower in soy, maize and sunflower, safflower, and maize oils -- they produce eggs that may cause less oxidative damage to human health. That's a major part of what determines the physiological impact of the end product on your table.
Her findings were published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.
Cholesterol oxidation: an industry standard?
Eggs high in omega-6 fatty acids heighten cholesterol's tendency to oxidize, which forms dangerous plaque in our arteries. Dr. Shapira's research shows that eggs laid by hens with healthier feed can lessen oxidation of LDL (low density lipoprotein), the body's "bad cholesterol."
To be healthy physically good quality fuel is a requirement.
Eating local farm fresh eggs is a healthy component of a good diet. But are all eggs created equal?
Mainstream corporate farming and major standard grocery chains take the position that all eggs are the same - just like they say all corn is the same.
The facts may be considerably different than we - the consumers - are being led to believe.
Read more: To Be Healthy Are Eggs a Healthy Breakfast choice

Monday, August 1, 2011

Qigong Sarasota | Achieve physical health and energetic balance in paradise.


If you live in the Sarasota area and are interested in Qigong. Now is the time.

Get in touch now for a class forming this week.There is a contact page and an AWeber form.

This will be a class focused on energy, balance and vitality. The teacher has been practicing since 1988 and will tune the class to individual requirements and skill levels. This will be a fun and beneficial class.