Thursday, March 3, 2011

Michael Barrett - Eye See You

Authenticity ties to being vulnerable and making ourself known even when we are reticent.

Like dealing with those in authority when we need their approval, or getting on stage and speaking  - OR SINGING - in front of a large group of strangers.

Our normal inclination (for the latter) is to head to the bathroom to throw up and run for the exits.

Dealing with authority figures also tends to put the internal clamps on 'the self expression' flow and we tighten up and contract when we're normal. This is normal yet it is not natural.

There is no need to fear getting on stage - or dealing with authority - for a very simple reason:

Contrary to the voice in our heads saying things like:

"Are you nuts? 
What do you think you are doing? 
You're going to screw this up like you always do.
THEY won't like you."

The people in the audience want you to do well.

They want to shower you with appreciation and recognition for daring to be authentic and vulnerable. 

They want to see the real you.

They want to tell you: "I SEE YOU."

Here is a new post entitled:

I AM Michael Barrett and I AM a Core Health Facilitator.

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