Saturday, May 15, 2010

Stillness Journal - My Personal Spiritual Journey...

May 15 am - Stillness Journal entry... my personal Spiritual Journey

This email was definitely a message corresponding to my meditation and stillness this morning. Part of my daily practice of Unceasing Meditation.

Subject Line: Guiding You on Your Path

"Actually, there does not seem to be any particular guidance. In fact, if someone is guiding you, that is suspicious, because you are relying on something external.
Being fully what you are in yourself becomes guidance, but not in the sense of vanguard, because you do not have a guide to follow. You do not have to follow someone's tail, but you sail along. In other words, the guide does not walk ahead of you, but walks with you."

Wow talk about absolutely perfect target marketing from the Universe.

Walking -Meditation

Walked a brisk 2.2 miles in the hot sun in shorts and no shirt (about 35 minutes in total with sun screen - working on metabolism and tan at the same time ~ 10:00 am before the sun is too hot)

As I walked I repeated my Breath Prayer silently.

I also did the cell door opening exercise and filled all 55 Trillion cells, will, emotions, mind , heart and energy body with light, the Presence of God, Joy Wisdom, Power and Love with each in breath and then with the BREATH WIND and blew all emotional debris and junk and cobwebs and tension and confusion out the back of the cell .

Then did the overflow exercise into the cells and overflowed into the will and overflowed into the emotions and the heart and then mind and the energy body with Light, Love, Power, Wisdom and the Presence of God.

Consciously choosing: Living out of and through the overflow...

As I visualized this and felt the warmth and the light within my being, I sensed a powerful connection to the Bliss Breeze blowing through and around me and a connection with the bird song and even the sounds of internal combustion engines.

The sounds of the passing 'racing' motorcycle engines were a thing of beauty as I felt the Presence of God through their sound - almost smiling at the joy and the playfulness and the pleasure of seeing a creation that entertained - so well - the rider and that expression of joy and appreciation of God came through. And I saw it and felt it in the smiles of passers by - some walking dogs with dogs gazing at me.

I felt the connection of God within the loving interaction between a teenage boy riding point on a bicycle for his gorgeous, healthy blond mother who was jogging gracefully in a syncopated and synchronized manner. She ran with a grace that was gazelle-like, the way they bound and express the energy of Life and God through motion and the physical expression of energy.

There was joy in this expression - God's, mine, the mother, the son and Universe around them all playing with the dance and enjoying experiencing it.
I faded in and out of my Breath Prayer and became more and more aware of the me - the being-ness that is part of the big picture and a quiet gentle voicing saying within:
"I am part of God and God is part of me and I am part of everything and the universe and it is part of me."
It all flowed and brought joy and a sense of absolute belonging and serenity and stillness.

I am not alone. I know now that I only ever imagined that to be the case. I never have been alone. It was all a projection on my internal 'holo-screen' - a self made truth that has only ever been true within my head.

Bliss is ever present. Joy is the natural default. Love is currency of the Universe.

Great sweat, great workout, great walk, great activation. Great internal connection. Good to be home again.

Today's profound awareness came in writing an email :

The following is the body of that email:

Did you see my status on Facebook yesterday? Seems like it relates to the Abraham quote today
"The Universe does not know whether the vibration that you're offering is because of something you're observing or something you're remembering or something that you are imagining. It just receives the vibration and answers it with things that match it. --- Abraham"

I just realized something else from that quote: 

I never conceived of the Universe and the God Mind as a gigantic sub-conscious mind before this moment. It just records and responds and does not decipher any messages or interpretations.

The Universe simply responds to the energetic vibrational pattern. That is all. No interpretation, no evaluating, no reaction - just vibration.

This is a big learn for me.

This is part of my email response:
Dr. Ed is right about results. Kind of like 'what good is anything if it doesn't work?'.

I'm finding it easier to make simple choices - almost like a computer:

  • 0 or 1
  • yes or no
  • weak or strong...
The difficult part for me is remembering to listen and choose - instead of doing without choosing. The unceasing meditation has really helped me be clear about the internal noise and my 'inner voice' and I am much less reactive.

I just realized something else when I re-read this:

When I am 'doing', I have to choose. When I am being, there is really no choice because there already is alignment. In that case, the only choice is to accept what is coming "in your direction" or not. The key to understanding this was the phrase I used: 'instead of doing without choosing'.

Doing = choosing to be in alignment or not. Being = Alignment

Wow... Cool aha.
Here is my related Facebook status:
We only ever have two choices. Ask yourself: Does this make me WEAK or does this make me STRONG? The question is always very simple yet we try to complicate things. We can only choose weak or strong. Choose whatever makes you strong.
What a day of revelation and stillness...
I AM Grateful. I Am Michael Barrett