Author, Blogger, Trainer, Coach
Core Health Facilitator, Heart Forgiveness Facilitator
Qigong, Tibetan Yoga
Healthy Wealthy Boomer
Workshops on Creating a Healthy Lifestyle
I AM Discourses and I AM Presence
Sarasota, Fl
We all have events and experiences in life - life changing moments - that matter a great deal: our first love, getting the cool car we really wanted, getting married, graduating from college, finding our purpose in life...
Well for me one of those moments took place last Sunday night in St Petersburg Florida, I graduated from the intensive Core Health Facilitator training. I AM now a certified Core Health Facilitator, one of 65 in the entire U.S..
I worked diligently when I was in college to get my undergraduate degree switching majors three times after two years of study in each major. And I was really relieved and glad to graduate.
Sunday was a much more important moment for me in my experience because graduating as a certified Core Health Facilitator is the culmination of years of study in energy and natural health.
Truly the training was challenging and intensive yet because I love the work and the subject, it was easy for me to saturate myself in the experience and the learning.
Core Health is the answer western culture has been seeking to in-power the individual to expand their true core of health - quickly, deeply, easily and permanently.
It took me 7 years of college degree. It took me 6 intensive months to go through Core Health Certification process for Levels 1-12. In reality it took me 35+ years to prepare myself for Core Health. It is my true calling and it answers a longing deep within me because I know it is the truth.
I am so proud of this designation because I truly understand what it means and what it took in my life to get to this point.
I am so grateful to Dr Ed Carlson and to the many exceptional teachers along the way. Thank you for guiding me to step back into my personal power. Thank you for believing in me when no one else did. Thank you for your patience with my anger and human frailty.
Bless you all.
I AM Michael Barrett and I AM a Core Health Facilitator
Core Health is an amazing mechanism for freeing and clearing all the layers of junk we carry around with us - the left over emotional debris and general distortions about life accumulated since childhood.
2009 has been a year of transition for me.
A great deal of this transition has been an amazing, joyful and exciting experience. It has been a challenging and demanding year of magical love, healing and clarity with occasional clouds over the horizon.
I found something out.
When we seek to align our inner authentic selves with our outer daily expression of who we are in the world - and really go after it - we change. Whether we like the results of the change or not, we end up different.
In my experience, sometimes change is really an uncomfortable thing at first and until just this moment I have not clearly known why. I just got it...
We avoid change - or feel reticent about it - because on some intuitive level we know that we are going to be different. Different doesn't always feel good or comfortable.
On the other hand, I almost always feel better when the changes are rooted in doing the inner work, growing and expanding.
Because I chose to change my life this year it happened. I have ultimately pulled out of a rut and although the transition was often intense and not what I had anticipated, I AM grateful...
Two big factors in 'putting Humpty Dumpty together again' were Core Health and Heart Forgiveness. I have described these before in other posts as:
a human consciousness defrag program and/or
extreme makeover energy edition.
Using comprehensive kinesiology, Core Health and Heart Forgiveness focus on freeing and clearing all the junk and debris out of our energy and uncovering the true core of health within us.
Thank you and bless you Dr Ed Carlson for being persistent enough for thirty years to figure out Core Health and make it a reality for mankind.
I AM Grateful for the growth and the opportunities to learn more about who I am.
I AM Grateful for my amazing health.
I AM Grateful for my children and my friends and family.
I AM Michael Barrett and I AM a Core Health Facilitator
As I get further into the significance of the heart chakra (the vibrational and harmonic energy patterns emanating from the heart area), my desire to fully understand this intensifies.
So I keep looking, reading, studying, and practicing how to harmonize the truth I AM in my Core with the person I AM on the outside in the world every day.
The heart is a big deal.
The heart is not only a metaphor for human expression, or a source of emotion, or an organ to pump blood through the human body - and get oxygen to the brain.
It is much more than this.
Science, more specifically quantum physics and biology, is beginning to understand that the heart actually is the central mixing bowl - if you will - for energy (emotions) from the three lower emotional centers in the body where it is integrated with energy (thoughts) from the three upper energy centers. The result from this mixing bowl is 'feelings'.
I wrote about this in my heart forgiveness blog which includes a video where Gregg Braden talks about this subject and says that the 'feelings' act like little beacons - attractor fields - that attract to it more of whatever vibrational patterns are being emitted.
This is a deep subject.
I've been a qigong student and practitioner for over 20 years so energy is a big part of my life. Lately, the focus on heart energy has become a primary interest for me in an effort to learn how to apply self forgiveness in my life.
This is first of series providing practical methods of harmonizing, strengthening and balancing heart energy.
In June of 2009, I met Dr Ed Carlson for the first time.
He was the second dentist I have met who is also a martial artist. The first was Dr Jeff Alexander ( who paid his way through dental school as a professional boxer.
Dr Ed is a terrific teacher and mentor who has dedicated much of his life to helping mankind. I was introduced to Dr Ed by a Facebook friend, Pamela Gregory, who has a popular Facebook group called Forgiveness Healing. We have subsequently become close personal friends, have completed our Heart Forgiveness Facilitator certification and are about to complete our Core Health Facilitator certification.
Anyway that's how I met Dr Ed Carlson...
For six intensive months Dr Ed has been my teacher, mentor and friend as I have studied with him. Dr Ed is compassionate, kind and a very bright man. I'm glad to say that he is my friend, he has helped me change my life.
Recently Dr Ed Carlson and Gregg Braden had a chance to meet and share ideas in Tampa. There is a picture of them in this blog along with a video of Gregg Braden talking about consciousness.
Heart Forgiveness and Core Health changed my life in 2009.
Heart Forgiveness answers so many things for me - things like:
How do I actually forgive myself and live without anger?
How do I truly love myself?
How do I uncover my inner power and step back into my personal power that I lost somehow from divorce, disappointment and setbacks?
How do I - once and for all - release all the negative programming, attitudes and emotions that I've been carrying around most of my life?
How do I manifest my true purpose and greatness in this life?
A major plus this year was learning how to open my heart in a new way. In a bio I created, I talk about coming to terms with forgiving myself and how this came up in my life. You can read that discussion here:
There were a number of things that happened this year. Like finding and understanding the beauty of the ocean for the first time and relocating 3000 miles to get certified as a Core Health Facilitator and a Heart Forgiveness Facilitator.
This year's highlights include new things I studied:
Core Health Facilitator Blog, Dr Bruce Lipton and "The New Biology" (video)
About six months ago, I met a fabulous lady - Pamela Gregory - on Facebook who subsequently helped me a great deal. She has the popular "Forgiveness Healing Facebook" group. As an EFT Practitioner, she helped me work through a very difficult period. We have become close personal friends.
Because of Pamela's prominent online presence, a young health and fitness professional named Neil Habgood contacted her. Neil was working and studying with the founder of Core Health, named Dr Ed Carlson at the time and as a result of these contacts, we are all (Pamela, Neil and myself) getting certified together as Core Health Facilitators. We complete this certification process in Dec 2009.
This is truly a fabulous system with immense potential to help people in so many different areas. It is exciting, it is cutting edge, it is measurable and it works.
There is a great video of a lecture by Dr Bruce Lipton, author of The Biology of Belief, in the post, very worthwhile. Please comment and ask questions.
Getting late after 13 hours of intensive training today and another day tomorrow.
Aaron Huey and Seymour Segnit are friends of mine...
They are both transformational trainers and very good at what they do.
Below is a short video - less than two minutes. The guy doing the intro is Seymour and Aaron is the guy sitting on the wooden chair with the water in the background.
If you listen to Aaron in this video, you will hear something that is unmistakable:
He is authentic to the bone.
He is not putting on a show for the camera, I know Aaron. He is a Warrior - not just in the metaphoric sense, he is a real warrior. He is compassionate and he cares.
This is how Aaron is in real life and why what he does makes a difference.
Check out the video...
Both of these guys are the real deal.
I worked with Aaron on staff in 2006 at the Enlightened Warrior Training Camps in Beaumont California and I liked the work he did. He was a facilitator for one of the most challenging break-through processes. He was tough, but kind. He was effective but gentle. He was focused, yet compassionate. I learned to trust Aaron and I liked him immediately.
Aaron is tight with one of my best friends - Shane - who has worked with Aaron even more frequently than I have. Through their relationship, I have gotten to know Aaron better - vicariously - through the eyes and words of my close friend. One of the things I really admire about Aaron is the work he has done to help adolescent kids over the last few years in many of his camps.
Aaron is a man of his word. You can believe what he says. And if he says the stuff he is working on for the Big Weekend with Seymour is going deep within him and creating a lot of change, it is.
Seymour Segnit is a multi-talented trainer.
I met him originally in 2005 when we were on staff for Peak Potentials traveling around the country on the seminar logistics team. He was a trainer before I met him and I watched him continue to develop his skill until he became one of the best people on the team.
Seymour is a good man, a good husband and and good father. He is the kind of man who walks his talk and lives the values that inspire people to find the best in themselves. In the beginning, he and I banged heads a few times while we were all doing a lot personal growth and some very deep work.
The cool thing about that is that it is exactly how you really get to know who someone is. Conflict often creates depth in a relationship. Over eighteen intense months of sixteen to eighteen hour days traveling city to city - working together on high intensity self development seminars - we became pretty good friends.
More importantly, we grew to respect each other as we did the kind of soul wrenching work that people do when they are committed to personal growth. It is the kind of work where you don't hide - where you can't hide - who you are deep down inside if you really want results. It is like getting naked with yourself and not turning away ever again.
These two guys have done it all. They really have. I would say they have been relentless in their pursuit of excellence. They had the best mentors and teachers on the planet today. They know what you want, and better than that, they know what you need and how to get you there. They KNOW you have the stuff - the courage to do things you haven't even thought of yet, but wish you had.
Fortunately, Seymour and Aaron have thought of it. They know what you hope they know and that is exactly what THE BIG WEEKEND is ALL about.
Take it from me that if you are ready to make changes and create a better life for yourself, working with these guys is the best place to start. You have my word on it.
THE BIG WEEKEND is calling your name. You don't have to answer the call but you may wish you had.
We've been here in Sarasota - not quite two months - and what a place this is. We have been blessed with personal and spiritual healing & abundant opportunities to grow, to learn and to meet amazing people.
Sarasota is a beautiful place and we love the beach here. It's pretty hot and humid but it's amazing how fast we have adapted. Although it has been less than 8 weeks, it often feels like we have been here for a long time - a long time in a different sense. It's the type of long time that goes really fast because you are enjoying what is happening so much - like kids and summer time. I remember how it always felt like summers went really fast and every time I turned around school had started again. The funny part about that is that we felt from the moment we got here that we belong in this place and always have.
Upon our arrival, we have stepped fully into the space of manifesting magnificent health and into becoming facilitators to help other people do the same thing.
With over 30 years of study and practice in the natural health arena, this is not a new topic.
We have created a class we call rejuvenation energy alignment which is hybrid of two styles of qigong combined with Tibetan rejuvenation yoga. Integrated into each session is a guided meditation. The net result is a alignment, strength, balance, concentrated internal energy and vitality.
We are starting a class in downtown Sarasota, at:
Transendance Chiropractic (across the street from Whole Foods) 1487 2nd St - Suite B Sarasota, FL Mon @ 5 and 7:00 p.m. alternating weeks Tues @ 7:00 p.m. Thur @ 7:00 p.m. Class lasts about 90 minutes... Get more details here...